
Please enter your username and password to submit data collected during Cleanups

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Guest Access

Please contact the ICC Administrator if you need assistance with your login or password.

Helpful Hints

Turtle Spa Day by Sarah Kalifus
Photo by Sarah Kalifus

Need help uploading your Cleanup data? Check out this step-by-step guide on using the Data Collection & Reporting Tool.

Download the "How To" Guide »


What we know

Fish In Net

Check out how collective efforts are leading to progress on the pervasive issue of marine debris.

Trash Free Seas Report » 


What you can learn

Talking Trash Logo

Marine debris is one of the greatest threats facing ocean health; fortunately, we all can play a part in the solution. Check out Talking Trash & Taking Action for educational resources designed for students of all ages.

Talking Trash & Taking Action »

What you can do

People cleaning Makapuu by Elyse Butler/Ocean Conservancy
Photo by Elyse Butler/Ocean Conservancy

Our ocean needs help more than once a year, and you can take a lead role on the front line of one of the world's most preventable problems by doing your own beach or waterway cleanup.

DIY Cleanup Tool Kit »